The difference is on the details: on our promotion at C/Carnisseria we found that plaque of "El Fénix Expañol" , it was completely ruined and painted completely in White, it was even difficult to notice it on the façade.

We restore it and locate on the inside of the entrance in order to preserve it.

It seems a little detail but full of history since that plaque represents an insurance Company that use to put one of this plaques on all the buildings that were covered by them, the plus is that this Company was born in 1.860 and in 1.877 joined to another Company, changing its name to "La unión y el Fénix, therefore  plaque like ours were only be instaled between 1.860 til 1.870, so its extremely rare to find one of that plaques now adays.

It was nice to recover something that has been camuflated under lots of pinting hands on the façade of the building for more than 130 years.

If the theater is my favourite but not for its value, that ceilings are by far the most valuable work that we have done.

Those ceilings are a unique polychrome wooden ceilings probably from the XVI century and unfortunately we do not know the story behind them but we are pretty sure that a lot of interesting stories have been acompanied that master pieces of art over the centuries.

We spent six months to restor that fantastic piece of art that before our arrival was only a black piece Wood.

Palace ceilings:

One of the most fascinating aspects of our work is discover hidden pieces of art on buildings that in some cases seems nothing more than a ruin, we are more than glad to show some of our restoration Works:

Fénix Español:

This is one of my favourites Works, not because of its value, but  because the history behind it.

We found that mural at the building that we renovated on 2015 in C/Carnisseria, the former owner, explained us that her grand-grandfather painted it covering the whole Wall because that was the game room for the kids and they used to do theater, therefore the painting was going to be the stage for the performances.

When we arrived, the painting was removed on gran part of the Wall and the remaining part was on very bad conditions, we restored it with the help of Virginia (graduated on Art History and graduated in restoration and conservation of cultural assets) and her colleague Beatriz.

Once restored we made a frame on natural Wood and the result was babulous.

Theater mural: